30.04.2020 / Comunicado de prensa
The non-profit Family Rauch Foundation has once again provided targeted support to a number of local institutions in recent months. The five donation recipients were delighted to receive urgently needed funds totalling 63,500 euros, which they invested for worthwhile purposes.
Haldenwang, 11th May 2023. In the period from December 2022 through March 2023, the non-profit Family Rauch Foundation has again provided assistance where people, their protection and their rescue from an emergency situation are the first priority. Something that distinguishes the foundation of the Bavarian workshop equipment manufacturer MAHA, headquartered in Haldenwang. The private non-profit Family Rauch Foundation was established by the meanwhile deceased MAHA founder Winfried Rauch.
With the above goal in mind, as much money as possible is put in hand on a regular basis. Anton Klotz, retired District Administrator and Chairman of the Foundation Board of the non-profit Family Rauch Foundation, regularly sets out on his journey for the pleasant task of handing over donations. He speaks directly with the affected people or with the helpers. In the last four months alone, from December 2022 through March 2023, Mr. Klotz has handed over a total of 63,500 euros on behalf of the Foundation to the following recipients:
DONATION: Conversion of a wheel loader worth 12,000 euros
DONATION: Service clothing, radio accessories and protective equipment worth 8,500 euros
DONATION: Safety equipment for the workshop worth 15,000 euros
Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) Oberallgäu
DONATION: Emergency vehicle for crisis intervention service worth 20,000 euros
humedica e.V.
DONATION: Increase of MAHA donation from 8,000 to 16,000 euros for those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria
One of the most recent donations, for example, went to the Bavarian Red Cross Oberallgäu. It was used to purchase an emergency vehicle for the members of the crisis intervention team. They are the ones who, after serious accidents, disasters and natural catastrophes in which people have suddenly died or are faced with nothing, assist the relatives, eyewitnesses and, if necessary, the emergency services in the first hours after the event.
Anton Klotz explained during the handover of the vehicle to the Red Cross: “In accordance with its statutes, the MAHA Foundation has the opportunity to support institutions that serve the welfare of mankind. We have already sponsored important acquisitions of various services of the Red Cross Oberallgäu several times in the past. We were very happy to do so in this case as well, because we consider the work of the crisis intervention service to be extremely important and beneficial.”
On 30 March 2023, the management of MAHA together with Anton Klotz were able to hand over a donation of 16,000 euros to humedica e.V. on behalf of the company. What makes this donation special is that it was initiated by MAHA employees. They immediately took action when the first news about the earthquake in southeastern Turkey and Syria hit the media. The staff's collected donation of just under 2,000 euros was topped up by 2,000 euros by long-time MAHA dealer Vakur Yardimci, doubled by the company, rounded up to 8,000 euros and, on top of that, quadrupled to 16,000 euros by the non-profit Family Rauch Foundation. A remarkable community achievement typical for MAHA, which also reflects the “spirit” of the Bavarian company.
Carina Freudig from humedica e.V. explained to us during the donation handover: “Those affected in Turkey and Syria currently need the most help in coping with the trauma, and they need it in their local language. To provide effective assistance, we therefore coordinate closely with our local cooperation partners – a network that has grown over many years. We are very grateful for the monetary donation from MAHA, because monetary donations in particular are an important resource enabling us to help quickly, in a targeted and flexible manner.”
“Through MAHA's close business relationships with the affected regions, it was a matter of urgency for the employees, MAHA management and also the foundation to help. For me, as the representative of the non-profit Family Rauch Foundation, it is a great pleasure to support the action of the MAHA staff with all available means. The money collected was doubled and rounded up by the management. As a representative of the foundation, it was natural for me to endorse this desire to help and to increase the total donation by quadrupling the amount,” said Anton Klotz.
Photos: Bayrisches Rotes Kreuz Oberallgäu/MAHA